Can the Amazon Rainforest survive?

Everybody knows there is a terrible war raging in Ukraine. Because most people admire the spirit of the Ukrainian people and value democracy, their countries provide much-needed help in defence. This war is about power and possession.

Few people know about another war on the other side of the globe. Indigenous people of the Amazon Rainforest are fighting for their survival. They are losing their habitat to greedy profit seekers. Big business is willfully destroying their land to use it for grazing cattle, exploring for fossil fuels, or growing soybeans. It has been going on for years, but publicity about it is scarce, and there has been no political will to deal with it. This war is about greed and possession.

I write about this second war in my book Hundred Shades of Green. It is a fictional story about people in the middle of the fight to save the Amazon Rainforest and their way of life. Winning this war will also protect an essential supply of oxygen for all our survival.

The ‘so-called’ developed countries have been exploiting the lands of Indigenous people worldwide since the 1500s, including the Amazon Rainforest. Have we still not learned? Instead of taking land, we should learn from the Indigenous people how to care for the land. There is hope that the new president of Brazil, affectionately known as Lula, will make a positive change, enforce the existing laws to protect the Amazon Rainforest and fight corruption. But he will need international support, just like Ukraine, as it is in all our interests. Stopping the exploitation of the forest will cost Brazil dearly economically.

Many charities and NGOs support the Indigenous fight for survival and would be happy to take your donation or membership. Eight billion people live on this planet. We all want our children to have a liveable world. If only a third of us did something to help, that would add up to a lot. I will donate half of my royalties, so buying Hundred Shades of Green will help, and it will give you an entertaining read, I promise!

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There is still time, Walter Hes

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