Lust for gold brings death to the Amazon

Mother Nature has given us anotherĀ terribleĀ disaster in Turkey and Syria. The earthquake killed thousands of people, and millions are now homeless. Every news program shows us horrific pictures and tragic stories of human loss and suffering.
Just like the war in Ukraine, the plight of the people speaks to our hearts. We want to help and approve of our government sending help in many ways.
I don't mean to criticise or take anything away from the help they receive. But I like to tell you about the Yanomami people in the Amazon Rainforest. There are only 29,000 of them left. They are facing extinction by losing their habitat and way of life. Not because of a natural disaster or war but because of human greed and corruption. Over 20,000 illegal gold miners invaded their land in the last decade. They brought disease, polluted their rivers and destroyed much of their land, while the Brazilian authorities did nothing. The Yanomami people lived for centuries on both sides of the border between Venezuela and Brazil. They did no harm; they lived from and looked after the rainforest; why should they pay for our ignorance?
I like to remind you that this disaster affects not only the local people but all of us, as the Amazon Forest is the regulator of the world's water resources and delivers 25% of our oxygen. Be ignorant no more!
Please read the article of the United Nations called 'In the Amazon Rain Forest, an indigenous tribe fights for survival.'
Latest news: February 7, 2023
Brazil's government launches major operation to evict miners from Yanomami territory.
This is good news, but they will need support to heal the forest and the rivers. Please donate to help: 'The Yanomami'
For more information about the Amazon Rainforest and a good story, you could order my book: Hundred Shades of Green. Because half the profits of that book go to help the people of the Amazon Forest.
To order a copy or an e-book:,, or any major bookstore.
Thank you, Walter

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