Past and present exploitations of the Amazon Rainforest

Not much publicity was ever given to the fact that many citizens from China, mainly of mixed race, emigrated to Brazil, after the constant wars in China. The Brazilian government even offered parcels of wilderness. What nobody at the time recognised was the fact that the Amazon Forest topsoil is hardly a foot deep and without chemical fertilisers wouldn’t last more than a few years.
Many dreams and hard work were shattered. However the scale of distruction of the rainforest was given a boost. Today’s cattle industy in that region is still doing the same thing, taking more land. What we should realise is that the Amazon Rainforest gives the whole world 20 to 25% of our oxigen.
You can help by buying the book Hundred Shades of Green, half the royalties are donated to the re-forestation of the rainforest, through the Black Jaguar Foundation. Please check them out!

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